More and more each day my testimony is strengthened by the knowledge that we are ALL children of a loving Heavenly Father. He loves each and everyone of us. I will try to remember this and look past people's short comings or lack of knowledge, as I would want the same for me.
I need to treat Everyone with kindness and respect.
What will you do to make the world a better place?
What will you do to make the world a better place?
awww mom! You are awesome! I love you! Thanks for the call today. MJ's great and he made the world better. As for me, I am going to be the best, wife, mom, daughter and friend. Just like you are!
This is not Tess. I believe this doctrine and will do my best to promote tolerance and love by the way I live. You are great and bless my life.
Welcome back to the blogging world...thanks for posing your question and making me reflect on your words...amy you make the world a better place...that might sound cheesy...haha...but it is a true statement...
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