We traveled across the country and are here in the beautiful state of North Carolina, final destination - the Outer Banks - Corolla Light. On our way we stopped at the home of the GRAVE DIGGER, monster truck. (
I took Tess and Noah to a monster truck show a couple years ago and it was loud and crazy, I couldn't believe grown men standing up and hootin' and hollerin' about big trucks) Anyway, we had to take a ride in the monster truck. They didn't go too fast or get too crazy, but it was fun and when in the south, you gotta embrace the culture.

Faye wanted to go, but then didn't want to go. She was scared:(
On our drive out to the Outer Banks we passed many fruit and vegie stands. We stopped at one and got some tomatoes, yummy peaches and some corn on the cob that you could eat with out cooking eat. Good stuff!

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