Kaiser called last week and told us we should all get a flu shot. So we took everyone and off we went. We didn't let on to Faye about it, until Noah got in the car from school and shouted, "Now it's time for our flu shot." Faye didn't miss that announcement and so the tears started flowing. We got her calmed down by telling her she would watch us get ours, she said she would but she was not getting one. Well, guess what?
Tess was the brave soul who went first
I don't really care for shots, but it really didn't hurt.
I think Glen was secretly afraid
i think i would be crying too with faye.. especially when i get my shots for africa
I only like shots in the buttox.
is it bad that i started laughing when i saw faye's picture?? such a classic "kid getting a shot" face, but i don't blame her. i hate needles too! hope she's not traumatized for life!
Like Noelle...I am laughing too at the photo of Faye...I think it is very cute...in fact you should bring your camera when chelsea gets her shots and compare the photos...and make sure you post them too...I think I will be laughing at her as well!!!
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