Thursday, November 13, 2008

Michelle Photography

Chelsea was home this past weekend (so great to have her here and the family all together) and we took family pictures. Michelle you are great. There were many to choose from and the individual ones you took were awesome. I think you ought to go into business.

Sometimes family pictures can be a little crazy, but all in all we did pretty good.



Brooke Wilkins said...

hahahaha that last one of tess is PRICELESS! I love that one! soooooo funny! I need a copy of that one of Reese

meeshw said...

Thanks Amy...but my favorite photo is the last one...seriously those are the pictures I like best...don't think I can market that! ha.
Realistically, all I did was push a button...
And I would not of missed out on being part of a Goodsell photo shoot especially when the first 10 minutes were up!!!! haha.

Chelsea B. said...

my butt is pretty famous this Christmas ...

Aubrey Messick said...

Hi Amy! Found your blog through Chels. You're family is so gorgeous. And hats off to Michelle for some fabulous photos!

Tess said...

Why so many pictures, I'm sure one is adequate.

Love, G