The last few weeks has been pretty busy with prop 8 things, especially the last few days. I waved banners, I hung door hangers, I watched polls and I made phone calls. It was fun and sometimes tiring and sometimes I just wanted it to be over. I was called a hater, I was called misinformed, and intolerent. I don't think I was any of those. I am not perfect and I struggle with likeing a couple people in this world, but I do not hate, expecially a group of people who can and do contribute a lot of good. I am not here to judge, I have my own problems to make right, but I just felt I couldn't take the chance on things that I felt inappropriate being taught in schools and diminishing the importance of the family. I just couldn't take the chance. So I did it for Reese and all of my future grandkids. I want them to be gathered beside me here in sunny so cal and know they are being taught good moral principles and values. I love you REESE.