Have you ever had the thought, I'm just a mom. I have many times. I have the urge to change the world. but I'm just a mom. Perhaps, Whistler's mother had those same thoughts as she sat in her rocker and now she is one of the most famous mother's of all.
Am I changing the world, I think maybe so. One text, one story, one dinner, one phone call, one car pool, one hug at a time, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Really thoughtful post Amy...thanks!
youre a great mom! the best one! I love you! sorry i am a brat most of the time... i do it out of love.
I love your post. I, too, feel that in my own small way I am changing the world. To Kai and Payton, anyway. If everyday they know I love them, their dad loves them and Heavenly Father loves them...then I have done something worth living for!
Three thoughtful writers in the Goodsell family all sharing inner visions of life as we experience it. Being 'just a mom' is the best job we'll ever have, with the longest payoffs imaginable. As long as you can get through the first 100 years!
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