Chelsea tagged me so here are 7 things about me.
I love a good Chick Flick like Sleepless in Seattle. Don't they make any movies like that anymore. Annie " Now that was when people knew how to be in love. They knew it. time, distance...nothing could separate them because they knew. It was right. It was real. It was..."
Becky: "A movie! That's your problem you don't want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie." Or how about "It's a sign." "You don't believe in signs" Sigh, that was a good flick.

I love a good book to curl up with. I just read Lust for Life by Irving Stone. Amazing. Thanks to my friend Kate for passing on the recommendation.

I hate scary movies. I really get freaked. We laugh at Noah when he hides his eyes when he sees a commercial. Well I'm right there with him.

I don't eat them very often. In fact I planned my next time to have In 'n Out Fries with spread to be on my birthday. Oh so good!

Ok. I am totally addicted to this game. It is called Wurdle. I play it every chance I get. It is crazy. When I go to bed at night I see letters and words in my head. My best score is 2300. I don't know if that is good or not.

I really don't like love handles on me. I'm having a hard time with some right now. Yugh!

Finally, I love, love, love chocolate milk. It has to be already mixed not the kind you add chocolate syrup to regular milk. Mmmmm so so good.
ok you are so funny! First of all LOVE the sleepless quotes. I love that! I also think that you are crazy! You do not have love handles! You are TINY! you are so crazy!
Wurdle...whats that? I want to play! Anything to have another exuse as why I don't accomplish more in my life...:)Oh and I agree with Brooke...what love handles? Fun post to read.
cute!!! i love it!... and there is no way that the next time youre going to in n out is on your birthday... what about when i come home next week!??
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