Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Faye - Faye

Faye is our love child. I was 41 years old when I got a magical phone call asking if we had room for one more. Of course, the whole family agreed that we did. And a few months later beautiful Faye came into our lives. We call her Faye, or Faye Faye and even Fifi. She has been by my side ever since. She has taught me so many things. I am grateful for these things.
She is very organized and knows dates and times and things that she needs. She keeps me on my toes. Recently she taught me about patience. She doesn't like things to be to tight or lumpy. But we had to buy a pair of shoes for school and jeans for a field trip.
After 9 pairs of shoes, about 5 pairs of jean and many tears we found the right ones!
After the experience we sat on the couch and cried together, grateful that learning experience was over. I certainly have realized I have a lot to learn. Thanks Faye for making me a better mom. I love you.

The perfect fit. :)

1 comment:

Brooke Wilkins said...

that is the best post. I love faye and you are such a great mom. Thanks for your help this morning.