This summer Tess has worked on and completed three of her value projects for Personal Progress. We spent 10 great hours in the kitchen together for her knowledge project and she learned about cooking. She learned how to chop and dice and slice many vegetables for minestrone soup, Glen really loved this dish. We rolled out sugar cookies (using Diane's famous recipe) for the boys who were working on Noah's eagle project. We also made homemade salsa and homemade ranch dressing, plus the yummy pretzel jello salad. The cream of the crop though was our Baked Alaska. We molded the ice cream in a dome shape and put it on top of some pound then Tess seperated eggs (very tricky) and whipped up some fluffy egg whites. She put it over the ice cream and popped it in the oven. And taada! the ice cream doesn't melt. Very fun and facinating to all.

Noah's Lego guy climbing the Baked Alaska.

The finished dessert.
Other projects we did were learning how to sew. She made a happy birthday banner for her future home and a car quilt. The last project was organizing her room and her wardrobe for the start of high school. It has been fun.